Ebook Ina May Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material edition by Ina May Gaskin Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

What you need to know to have the best birth experience for you.
Drawing upon her thirty-plus years of experience, Ina May Gaskin, the nation’s leading midwife, shares the benefits and joys of natural childbirth by showing women how to trust in the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience. Based on the female-centered Midwifery Model of Care, Ina May’s Guide to Natural Childbirth gives expectant mothers comprehensive information on everything from the all-important mind-body connection to how to give birth without technological intervention.
Filled with inspiring birth stories and practical advice, this invaluable resource includes• Reducing the pain of labor without drugs--and the miraculous roles touch and massage play
• What really happens during labor
• Orgasmic birth--making birth pleasurable
• Episiotomy--is it really necessary?
• Common methods of inducing labor--and which to avoid at all costs
• Tips for maximizing your chances of an unmedicated labor and birth
• How to avoid postpartum bleeding--and depression
• The risks of anesthesia and cesareans--what your doctor
doesn’t necessarily tell you
• The best ways to work with doctors and/or birth care providers
• How to create a safe, comfortable environment for
birth in any setting, including a hospital
• And much more
Ina May’s Guide to Natural Childbirth takes the fear out of childbirth by restoring women’s faith in their own natural power to give birth with more ease, less pain, and less medical intervention.
Ebook Ina May Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material edition by Ina May Gaskin Health Fitness Dieting eBooks
"I loved this book! As a first time mom nervous about childbirth this book gave me so much confidence in my body to do its job. The book is set up in 2 parts: part 1 is just birth stories, part 2 is medical information about birth. The birth stories were wonderful to read. Yes, a few were very "New-Agey" and kind of "hippie" like but just hearing about different women who successfully gave birth was very helpful to combat all the people telling me to just "Get an epidural as soon as you can." and all the horror stories people somehow think are acceptable to tell to a pregnant woman. Not all of the stories are for everyone, but that's okay. Even if you just want to hear some positive birth stories, you will enjoy them. There's a snarky comment about the experience of one woman who went to assist in another's birth and I think it's inappropriate. The women at The Farm (the community that Ina May established for those who wish to pursue natural birth) see the value in helping other women through birth and we as a Western society forget that this used to be the only way women had any assistance during birth before hospitals and OBGYN's. I think it's a beautiful example of how this community functions. You don't have to agree with it, just move on to the next story if it isn't your cup of tea.
The medical information in the second half has helped my confidence immensely in choosing to have a "natural" hospital birth. Keep in mind this is coming from the point of view of a midwife, not a doctor, so it's not going to have the same voice as those in a medical profession. Ina May goes through how the body responds to labor and possible interventions you may see in the hospital. Although she is clearly for having as natural a birth as possible, she definitely gives what I think of as an unbiased view on these things as she can. She defines the interventions for you and tells you possible side effects. She says which ones you can definitely refuse without endangering yourself or your baby if you choose to, but as I read through this I never felt like I would be considered less of a mother if I chose any one of these things. Though she is clearly trying to show you the benefits of using a midwife vs. traditional doctors, she makes intelligent points and is clearly just trying to inform her readers. She also has many many references and resources to back up her claims and the statistics of the midwives she showcases speak for themselves.
I think this is a great book for anyone trying to learn more about the childbirthing process, anyone who is nervous or doubting their ability to do it, or anyone who just wants to know their options in care. I have recommended it to several people and am loaning it to my cousin who is due in March."
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Tags : Ina May's Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material - edition by Ina May Gaskin. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material.,ebook,Ina May Gaskin,Ina May's Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material,Bantam,Pregnancy Childbirth,Family relationships,Family / Parenting / Childbirth,Family/Marriage,GENERAL,General Adult,HEALTH FITNESS / Alternative Therapies,HEALTH FITNESS / Pregnancy Childbirth,HEALTH FITNESS / Reference,Health Fitness,Marriage relationships,Marriage, family other relationships,Natural childbirth,Natural childbirth.,Non-Fiction,Nonfiction,Nursing,Pregnancy Childbirth,Pregnancy, birth baby care,United States,baby shower gifts;pregnancy gifts;pregnancy;birth;childbirth;midwifery;parenting;natural childbirth;midwife;health;women;natural birth;doula;birth stories;labor;baby;women's health;natural;reference;homebirth;mindful;gentle birth;pregnancy books;natural birth books;hypnobirthing;self help;breastfeeding;wellness;parenting books;fitness;healing;self help books;health books;child development;health and fitness;self help books for women;motivational books;happiness;health and wellness;motivation,pregnancy; birth; childbirth; midwifery; parenting; natural childbirth; midwife; health; women; natural birth; doula; birth stories; labor; baby; women's health; natural; reference; homebirth; mindful; gentle birth; pregnancy books; breastfeeding; fitness; parenting books; self help books; motivational books; self help books for women; motivation; health books; self help; hypnobirthing; natural birth books; wellness; child development; happiness; baby shower gifts; pregnancy gifts; healing; health and wellness; health and fitness,HEALTH FITNESS / Alternative Therapies,HEALTH FITNESS / Pregnancy Childbirth,HEALTH FITNESS / Reference,Family / Parenting / Childbirth,Health Fitness,Family/Marriage,Family relationships,Marriage relationships,Marriage, family other relationships,Pregnancy, birth baby care
Ina May Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material edition by Ina May Gaskin Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews :
Ina May Guide to Childbirth Updated With New Material edition by Ina May Gaskin Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews
- I bought this book because of the astounding amount of good reviews. Let me first say, that I am not against natural births, at home or in a pool, or whatever, if that is what you want, great! I wanted some information to help me have a natural childbirth in a hospital setting. I have had two children, one that was induced/epidural and one that came naturally without any medications (no meds was more painful, but easier, and is what I want for number three). As I prepare to give birth a third time, I wanted some tips/tools/techniques to help me get through the pain of a natural birth, and was hoping this book would do that. This book is not that. I skipped the entire first half of the book after realizing it is all "positive birth stories" from Ina May's previous patients. I didn't need that.
The second half of the book is less about techniques or tools to help you through, and more about Ina May's personal experiences as a midwife, and different notions about how we think about labor and delivery. Ina May doesn't like the word contraction. She suggests that the pain of childbirth can be pleasurable. She feels things in her vagina as her patients feel things in theirs...Sorry, but I'm not buying that. There seems to be a lot against your typical hospital delivery, and more about convincing yourself to open up/dilate, not to be afraid, positive self talk, there's even talk of masturbation during labor, like monkeys or chimpanzees, to help relax, open up and dilate the cervix.
Sooooo, if you are very natural, and very earthy, and want to have a labor that doesn't feel medical, this book might be right for you. I'm not against that, it's just not what I want. This book was just a bit too natural for my taste. Sorry Ina May. I do respect the work you do and your opinion, but it just wasn't the kind of help I was looking for. - I loved this book! As a first time mom nervous about childbirth this book gave me so much confidence in my body to do its job. The book is set up in 2 parts part 1 is just birth stories, part 2 is medical information about birth. The birth stories were wonderful to read. Yes, a few were very "New-Agey" and kind of "hippie" like but just hearing about different women who successfully gave birth was very helpful to combat all the people telling me to just "Get an epidural as soon as you can." and all the horror stories people somehow think are acceptable to tell to a pregnant woman. Not all of the stories are for everyone, but that's okay. Even if you just want to hear some positive birth stories, you will enjoy them. There's a snarky comment about the experience of one woman who went to assist in another's birth and I think it's inappropriate. The women at The Farm (the community that Ina May established for those who wish to pursue natural birth) see the value in helping other women through birth and we as a Western society forget that this used to be the only way women had any assistance during birth before hospitals and OBGYN's. I think it's a beautiful example of how this community functions. You don't have to agree with it, just move on to the next story if it isn't your cup of tea.
The medical information in the second half has helped my confidence immensely in choosing to have a "natural" hospital birth. Keep in mind this is coming from the point of view of a midwife, not a doctor, so it's not going to have the same voice as those in a medical profession. Ina May goes through how the body responds to labor and possible interventions you may see in the hospital. Although she is clearly for having as natural a birth as possible, she definitely gives what I think of as an unbiased view on these things as she can. She defines the interventions for you and tells you possible side effects. She says which ones you can definitely refuse without endangering yourself or your baby if you choose to, but as I read through this I never felt like I would be considered less of a mother if I chose any one of these things. Though she is clearly trying to show you the benefits of using a midwife vs. traditional doctors, she makes intelligent points and is clearly just trying to inform her readers. She also has many many references and resources to back up her claims and the statistics of the midwives she showcases speak for themselves.
I think this is a great book for anyone trying to learn more about the childbirthing process, anyone who is nervous or doubting their ability to do it, or anyone who just wants to know their options in care. I have recommended it to several people and am loaning it to my cousin who is due in March.