Download PDF Rebel Princess Guide SheRa Tracey West 9781338556216 Books

An in-world, humorous guide to everything Etheria, from She-Ra's POV! Complete with magic sequins on the cover.
Adora has a lot to learn once she discovers she's the princess She-Ra! There are new friends to get to know, new kingdoms to explore, and a new way of life outside the Fright Zone to get used to (um... what's a birthday party?!). Adora keeps track of it all in this notebook -- her own primer on how to be a rebel princess. Complete with magic sequins on the cover!
Adora has a lot to learn once she discovers she's the princess She-Ra! There are new friends to get to know, new kingdoms to explore, and a new way of life outside the Fright Zone to get used to (um... what's a birthday party?!). Adora keeps track of it all in this notebook -- her own primer on how to be a rebel princess. Complete with magic sequins on the cover!
Download PDF Rebel Princess Guide SheRa Tracey West 9781338556216 Books
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Tags : Rebel Princess Guide (She-Ra) [Tracey West] on . <DIV><B>An in-world, humorous guide to everything Etheria, from She-Ra's POV! Complete with magic sequins on the cover.</B> </br>Adora has a lot to learn once she discovers she's the princess She-Ra! There are new friends to get to know,Tracey West,Rebel Princess Guide (She-Ra),Scholastic Inc.,1338556215,Easy Fiction,Feminism; girl power; hero; heroine; princess; power; princess of power; princesses of power; Adora; She-Ra; Etheria; Bright Moon; Glimmer; Bow; Catra; Shadow Weaver; Swift Wind; Horde; Hordak; Rebellion; Queen Angella; Perfuma; Mermista; Frosta; magic sw,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy Magic,JUVENILE FICTION / Girls Women,JUVENILE FICTION / Media Tie-In,Juvenile Fiction/Fantasy Magic,Juvenile Fiction/Girls Women,Juvenile Grades 2-3 Ages 7-8
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